Author Archives: Brook Jolley

We’re applying for festivals and we need your donations

So far we’ve applied to DOXA Documentary Film Festival, San Francisco International Film Festival, Athens International Film Festival, Cinequest Film and VR Festival, American Documentary and Animation Festival, Cleveland International Film Festival, and Tribeca Festival. We still need your help. Any donation helps, submitting to these festivals costs 20-30 dollars each and we’re trying to get into as many as possible.

Money us, money please, money now. Click the picture and donate, it’ll feel good.

Website Launched

Website up and running, everything should work now, even a working store. If you encounter any problems please let us know. Continue Reading

Universe trying to tell us something?

Universe trying to tell us something?

It’s kind of perfect that the flight from Nashville to LA is 4:20. Continue Reading

A pair of derp bears

A pair of derp bears

Nick thought this might be his father but the legs were much too straight. Taken at the La Brea Tar Pits. Continue Reading

Dipping the bastard toes

Dipping the bastard toes

Nick decided he needed to take a dip in the cold ass pacific ocean while we were here. Photo taken shortly before he filled his pockets with rocks and walked out to sea. Continue Reading

Filming the interview in park in vista CA

Filming the interview in park in vista CA

Pictureception. Filming the filming. It’s meta. Continue Reading

Rental Car Snafu makes Nick Homeless

Rental Car Snafu makes Nick Homeless

2nd try at a rental car fails (we had one reserved and they apparently don’t care) so now Nick has given up, and he’s decided he lives on this sidewalk now. (waiting for an uber) Continue Reading

Fundraiser for the bastard

Fundraiser for the bastard

This Friday! Come out, bring money, help us take this 40 year old bundle of joy to California to meet his father. All donations go to the funding for creation of Let’s Find the Bastard. Continue Reading