13.5 hours travel 2 Ubers and several hundred dollars later we are in the only rental car left in California. Groovy. Continue Reading

13.5 hours travel 2 Ubers and several hundred dollars later we are in the only rental car left in California. Groovy. Continue Reading
2nd try at a rental car fails (we had one reserved and they apparently don’t care) so now Nick has given up, and he’s decided he lives on this sidewalk now. (waiting for an uber) Continue Reading
Over Christmas break I went down to Tennessee to do primary filming for a documentary with two of my best friends. In less than a month we will be flying to California to wrap. We have a Gofundme and it needs a little more padding. If you have anything to add, please send it in!… Continue Reading
This Friday! Come out, bring money, help us take this 40 year old bundle of joy to California to meet his father. All donations go to the funding for creation of Let’s Find the Bastard. Continue Reading
In the midst of Covid19 I embarked on a mission to help a friend solve a life long mystery: finding out who his father is. The catch, we are filming it and making a documentary! He had a supposed name and general location from his mother, but 40 years can make things fuzzy. With this… Continue Reading
If you have been living under a rock, I’ve been helping my friend and the officiant of my wedding, Nick Woodruff find his father whom he has never known AND WE ARE FILMING IT! To finish this documentary we need to make a trip to California and that costs money which we don’t have. We… Continue Reading
Guys! I’m working on a documentary and we need financial backing! We are helping nick find his biological father whom he has never met! Please consider donating and helping us reunite a family! Links to our gofundme and patreon are at the top and bottom of every page. Continue Reading
Hey. I’ve been filming a documentary about the search for my biological father whom I’ve never met. Turns out doing things “right/professionally” costs actually money. Please contribute and share. Watch the trailer in the link Continue Reading